Category Archives: Topics For Research Paper

According to the capital and any assistance we could get we would like to make the RED-Linux kernel project to be as flexible and as user-friendly as possible from you.

According to the capital and any assistance we could get we would like to make the RED-Linux kernel project to be as flexible and as user-friendly as possible from you.

A few of the features and future elements we want to have in RED-Linux includes:

  • real-time IPC (supporting priority-inheritance, timing constraints, etc.)
  • real-time support that is networking
  • real-time file system
  • integrating dependable computing abilities

SMART (Scheduling Multimedia Applications Real-Time) for Linux

In present os’s there’s absolutely no scheduler appropriated to supporting versatile soft real-time applications co-existing with other traditional and real-time applications. Within the context of modern scheduling policies, we selected SMART (Scheduling Multimedia Applications Real-Time) as a strategy to resolve the aforementioned problem that is mentioned. This scheduling policy happens to be analyzed, created, and applied being a LINUX scheduler. We measured the scheduler performance and investigated the behavior of a genuine time visual application executing in an system scenario that is overloaded. Continue reading According to the capital and any assistance we could get we would like to make the RED-Linux kernel project to be as flexible and as user-friendly as possible from you.