pay for a research paper com – Poland, the head of the European Council Donald Tusk Trzaskowski expressed his conviction that Tusk had not been president of RE, is “the situation around the Polish would be even worse” .See also: New EU budget, bigger cuts: for Polish 19.5 billion less’ “proposal, which at this moment has been put on the table is EC proposal.

In his opinion, this contribution is “significant”. “It marks 600 years since the end of the Council of Constance, where Paul Włodkowic, one of the Polish intellectuals of that time, started discussions about what is the law of nations,” – he said. Szczerski also said that the president in New York will also meet “with the ambassadors and high-level representatives in the Security Council.” He added that before the president deliver his speech, he would like to discuss its contents with the representatives of “the eastern group” in the UN. He stressed that this new practice, which shows the transparency with which Poland wants to work in the Council. In addition, he said Szczerski, during a visit to the US president will also meet with Polish and Jewish communities in New York. Also visit Chicago, where he has held a meeting with the governor of Illinois and mayor of Chicago.

The plan is also a visit to the barracks of the National Guard, which cooperates with the Polish army. According Szczerski, it will be an opportunity to talk about Territorial Defense Forces training. That Investigative Committee of Russia said on Wednesday that he accepted the request of the Polish ws. Next survey the wreckage of the Tu-154M located in Smolensk and the end of May will be held “detailed” inspection “in the presence of representatives of the Polish”.

Morawiecki asked on Thursday morning at a briefing before the flight to the summit of the EU to Romania to assess the decision of the Russian side, he said that “the wreckage of the Tu-154 should be a long time in Poland.” “And we demand this,” – said the Prime Minister. He added that “well, that the Council of Europe has also noticed this problem and very clearly defined its position” .See also: It’s just tupolewizm. Arabic did not read the instructions HEAD before the crash in Smolensk »Organization of flight to Smolensk: Disclosed is a recording with the participation of Thomas Arabian »” It occurred to a situation such that the Polish observers supposedly were to be at the examination, and I know that not only was not satisfactory, but it did signs of a fictional “- rated Morawiecki” I’m counting on the fact that – although in this very during late – now actually to take part in the examination, our experts will be able to happen “- said the prime minister. He appealed for the return of the wreck. “I appeal again is, that as soon as the wreck, which is a testament to the gigantic tragedy that has ever happened in Smolensk more than nine years ago, he was in Poland” – said the head of government. “This is indeed owned by Polish” – he added. As proposed by the European Commission, Poland is to receive a new multi-annual budget of 64 billion from the cohesion funds – 19.5 billion euros less than at present. The Commission’s proposed new rules for allocation under cohesion policy assume that the size of the funds will continue to be linked with the wealth of the regions, but there are also additional criteria, such as youth unemployment, low levels of education, climate change and the adoption and integration of migrants. “We have cut and is much higher than announced by the government of Law and Justice. For two weeks we have heard, it would be 6 per cent., Not 23 as in this moment – said Trzaskowski Tuesday on TVN24.

According to him, the EC proposal is a consequence of” that Law and Justice firstly breaks the rule of law and violates the constitution in Poland and the fact that it is completely devoid of allies in the EU. “” it is a twenty-something percent, and remember – the European Commission’s initial proposal (new EU budget). I’m afraid that it will get worse. I would add another case – that a large part of the money already truncated, will probably be frozen because of what the PiS is up in Poland. Do not pay for a CEO Jaroslaw Kaczynski, his limousine, bodyguards, foundations, just pay us “- said PO politician. As the less money from the EU also mean less investment, also for Warsaw.

Asked if the suggestion of the EC to blame Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki Trzaskowski estimated that the prime minister could not convince the EU and together with the whole team PiS led to the fact that “the government is completely alone” in the international arena. the question is whether now could help Poland, the head of the European Council Donald Tusk Trzaskowski expressed his conviction that Tusk had not been president of RE, is “the situation around the Polish would be even worse” .See also: New EU budget, bigger cuts: for Polish 19.5 billion less’ “proposal, which at this moment has been put on the table is EC proposal. This is not Donald Tusk, who is proposing. Now the government will be able to demonstrate, to build a coalition to try to build coalitions also in RE, where Tusk “- noted PO politician.” Wine is one hundred percent the fault of the PiS, because for what he does PiS in Poland, this money will smaller. And by the fact that he could not build a coalition, because only limited to building relations with Hungary. I ask, where is the rest of the coalition?

Where are the Czechs, Slovaks, those countries that want to fight with the Polish here is that these funds look different? Today, it looks like it’s south of Europe will benefit from this budget, Italians, Greeks, Spaniards, and just Poland and Hungary are the main victims, “- noted Trzaskowski. The attention that perhaps the EU changed its direction and wants to give more money to these countries, that accept refugees Trzaskowski admitted that “this decision is, of course, in the background.” “But I remember how she was earlier formulated a proposal by Janusz Lewandowski, who was then Commissioner (EU. financial programming and budget) and what was then Poland’s reputation – that this was a country that is constructive, which is fighting for its own interests, but also builds the EU together. And it was an agreement that would give Poland as an enormous sum of money, I ended up at 40 billion zł “- said the politician. According to him,” today the atmosphere is around the Polish worst in years. ” Municipal committee must verify the minutes of the 2,346 polling stations. Jaroslaw Jozwiak municipal committee told PAP that the 20 hour system introduced in 2281 committees peripheral protocols (ie. 97.23 per cent.), And the municipal electoral commission has received and approved the protocols in 1874 (79.88 percent.).

Municipal electoral commission counts the votes for the presidential candidates of the capital, in the elections to the city council and the part in the elections to the regional council Mazowieckie province. According to a survey by Ipsos for TVP, TVN and Polsat, published in the Sunday evening show that in the first round of presidential elections in the capital, with a score of 54.1 percent. Rafał Trzaskowski won. What Patrick received the second highest score – 30.9 percent. According to a survey the other candidates were: John Singer (KPI John Singer – Win Warsaw) – 3.0 percent. Justin Glusman (This is Our City – Urban Movements) – 2.6 percent.

Marek Jakubiak (kukiz’15) – 2 6 per cent., Andrew Rozenek (SLD Left Total) – 1.5 percent., Janusz Korwin-Mikke (Freedom of Self-Government KPI) – 1.0 percent., Jacek Wojciechowicz (KPI Jacek Wojciechowicz Action Warsaw) – 1.0 percent. Peter Ikonowicz (KPI Social Justice Peter Ikonowicz) – 0.8 percent. Jakub Stefaniak (PSL) – 0.8 percent. Paul Tanajno (KPIs uncork Warsaw, RIGCz, Tanajno, Hawaiian +) – 0,6 percent. Slawomir Antonik (Local authorities independents) – 0.4 percent. Jan Potocki (II Poland) – 0.4 percent. Christine Krzekotowska ( KW World Congress of Poles) – 0.3 percent. (PAP) Author: Rudy Mieczyslaw One-page document was handed over on Thursday Members of the opposition parties, who have accepted the invitation of Prime Minister Theresa May to participate in the cross-party consultation ws.

Changes in the proposed agreement to leave the Community. The analysis indicates that the repeat poll ws. Brexitu requires the preparation of a new law providing the legal framework for the vote and then vote on it by both houses of the British parliament, which could take up to seven months. As added, it is also necessary to guarantee 12 weeks to test questions, which would be on the ballot – so as not to naprowadzało voters on any of the two options. In 2016, at this stage actually it changed its layout to “whether you are staying in the European Union?” the “are you for staying or leaving the European Union?”, because it was considered that the original recording favored supporters maintain membership in the Community. See also: You seem a bit brexit that lingers? This epic will not end quickly “The document also recorded six weeks to the adoption of necessary secondary legislation, which would have been recorded, among others, and the exact date of the voting procedure, and the 16-week period Regulated election, including the selection of the official campaign on both sides of the debate.

Spokesman May Prime Minister emphasized that the data presented are for information only and had to give Members an idea of ​​the consequences of the decision to hold a second vote, including Output delay from the European Union for over a year. “Our position is, of course, such that – as has repeatedly said the head of the government – will not be a second referendum,” – he said. Government estimates were critically accepted by the opposition and academics who considered them to be artificially wydłużone.zobacz also: French media: Delayed brexit a likely scenario »” It’s absolutely wrong. One of the beneficial results of the first round of meetings with the government were practical discussions on the organization of the so-called . Voice of the People (ang. People’s Vote, a second referendum – PAP), (…) which showed a complete lack of understanding in government circles on the question of how much you need time to do it “- said the leader of the pro-European Liberal Democrat Vince Cable. He added that the party calculation indicate that the vote could occur even in May.

In turn, the researchers from University College London estimated that the entire period of preparation for the day of the vote should take less than half, for about 22 weeks. The House of Commons voted Tuesday night against the proposed government project contracts Theresa May, UK exit from the European Union. 432 voted against the proposal to deputies at only 202 votes of support (the majority of 230 votes) .See also Brexit: British army “divorce officials'” In the absence of most of the proposed agreement by May or any alternative the United Kingdom, pursuant to the procedure described in output art. 50 of the EU Treaty, will automatically leave the European Union without a contract at midnight from 29 to 30 March. Among the possible scenarios out of the impasse they are .: repeat vote in parliament after the receipt of further political assurances from the European Union, the extension of the procedure starting from the Community under Article. 50 treaties, or even out of the EU without a contract, or the organization of a second referendum convening of early parliamentary elections.

Down YPG is the Kurdish People’s Self-Defense Units, recognized by Ankara as a terrorist organization linked to a separatist, outlawed Turkey Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). PYD – Democratic Union Party in turn main Kurdish political force in northern Syria, which Ankara considers a branch of the PKK.zobacz: Erdogan: Within a few days of operation in the east of the Euphrates in northern Syria »Kurds protest against executions in Iran and Kurdistan ostrzałowi »” the idea is that the PKK / PYD / YPG take action aimed at establishment of order through the persecution of the Kurds, who are not subject to them; it comes also with terrorist actions against our country “- the advocate Ibrahim Kalin, quoted by the Turkish state news agency Anatolia. “There is no doubt that a terrorist group could not be an ally of the United States,” – he added Erdogan. Earlier in the day On a visit to Israel, US presidential adviser for Donald Trump. National Security John Bolton said that the United States make the conditions for the withdrawal of its troops in Syria since security guarantees for the Turkish Kurds and defeat of the Islamic State (IS). According to Bolton Trump he had said that “Turkey will not allow the Kurds to kill.” Presidential adviser also pointed out that the Syrian Kurds handed to you refrain from seeking protection in Russia and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. See also: Austria demands from Turkey explanations on detained journalist “Iraq and the Kurds condemned the bombing Sindżaru Turkey» Dec.

19, Trump unexpectedly announced on Twitter the withdrawal of US forces numbering about 2 thousand. soldiers from the north-eastern Syria, where US troops battled jihadists from the IS. Trump argued that the fact that the self-styled caliphate in Syria has already been defeated. Before deciding Trump Turkish President Erdogan has repeatedly threatened that Turkish forces may at any time begin an offensive on the area controlled by the Kurds in northern Syria. It has been speculated that the US president step can mean a green light for the military operation. US military support in Syria among others Kurdish People’s Self-Defense Units, on which rests a large part of the fight against IS.

After the announcement of the withdrawal of US troops from Syria, Erdogan has postponed military operation, while ensuring that certainly it will happen. Fearing Turkish invasion, the Kurds have turned for help to the Syrian president. On Wednesday in the European Parliament held a debate on the future of the European Union, whose main speaker was Mateusz Morawiecki Prime Minister. He emphasized, inter alia, that the Union torn in recent years a number of crises, was on the corner, which again must listen to the voice of its citizens. In his speech he also criticized plans to limit cohesion policy funding.

pay for research paper cheap During the debate, most of the leaders of parliamentary factions criticized the Polish government for justice reform, including changes in the Supreme Court. Morawiecki said Wednesday in Polsat News that the debate in the EP certainly was not easy, but “on the other (was) very uplifting.” “I was able to present a broad vision of the European Union to present our priorities, but also a path to the European Union, strong, with strong countries,” – he stressed. “I must say that I was very pleasantly surprised that the political group chairmen, parliamentary groups on the other side of the political scene, positively spoke (in the debate) on aspects such as security, the single market, cohesion policy and the fight against the aggressive attitude of Russia” – Morawiecki.zobacz said the Premier of speech in the EP: We must defend our country because, even in difficult conditions »When asked whether it intends to take into account the arguments of MEPs, the Prime Minister said:” I have to say that first of all thank you for the last voice of Polish MEP , who said that breaking the rule of law in Poland lies in the fact that we have reduced pensions (…) the former officers of the security services, because it is the essence of what misunderstandings and frequent voices that appear here “- said Morawiecki.